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SKU: IOM-230 Categorías: , Etiqueta:


Modulo I/O Analógico GOV y AVR con Loadsharing

IOM 230
• CANbus interface with automatic address selection
• Analogue output/governor interface
◦ 0-20 mA
◦ ±25 mA
◦ 0-10 V DC (adjustable)
◦ ±12 V DC (adjustable)
• Analogue output/AVR interface
◦ 0-20 mA
◦ ±25 mA
◦ 0-10 V DC (adjustable)
◦ ±12 V DC (adjustable)
• TTL interface to PC
◦ Uses option J5 (RS232 to TTL converter cable)
◦ Only for downloading firmware updates
• LEDs for unit status and CAN status
◦ 2-coloured LEDs
◦ Analogue Q and P load sharing interface ( -5 … 0 … +5 V DC)
◦ Green: System OK; Red: Fail